AFAIK, there's no way to convert your DECTalk speech to a wav file or
mp3 without running it through your mic or line-in on your sound card.
As for TTSynth, I know nothing about it other than the fact that it's
badly outdated and requires all kinds of compatibility libraries and
unfathomable tweaking to even get it working. But if you do have it
installed and working on your system, there may be a say command or
something similar that should have an option to output to a wav file. I
highly recommend eSpeak, however, because it's free and included on most
distros now, and the speech quality is much better than any of the
afore-mentioned synthesizers.
apt-get install espeak
yum install espeak
should put it on your computer if it isn't already there. Then judge for
yourself the quality of speech.
You may also like Svox Pico, which is the synthesizer used on Android
phones, but it runs nicely on desktop Linux as well. The command line
version outputs only to wav files, so it must be routed through aplay or
sox tu use it as your primary synthesizer. However, it may serve your
purpose rather nicely. On Ubuntu, Svox Pico can be found in Maverick
multiverse in several packages beginning with libttspico. The command
line speaker that outputs to wav is in the package called
libttspico-utils. I don't think Lucid includes it, so it may be
necessary to download from Ubuntu manually or upgrade your apt sources
to get it and then downgrade back to Lucid. I'm not sure if Fedora or
any other distro has it yet, but I think it's on Google Code somewhere,
and I believe Vinux does include it. IIRC, you are running Fedora, so I
apologize if none of this information helps you.
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