On Sun, 24 Jan 2010, Brian Tew wrote:
Right now my pc is a glorified amplifier. I can hear the mic
thru my earphones, and cannot get it to stop.
I turn down the volume with aumix to avoid feedback.
Your mic is probably not muted. Try something like:
amixer sset Mic off
Note the two letter s's in sset.
This *should* mute your mic. If it doesn't like the 'Mic" bit, run amixer
without any arguments (probalby pipe it through more/less) and see what
your mic channel is called.
Note that amixer is inthe alsa-utils package. I'm recommending amixer
because (a) I'm not very familiar with aumix, and (B) your message
indicates that you're using ALSA.
Note that this assumes you hear your voice back immediately with no
delay/echo. If there is some kind of delay then this will be a different
problem (see below).
I can play wavs and mp3s just fine, but cannot record.
I type: rec -d foo.wav
-d means use the default input device, which should be the mic.
I'm assuming this is rec as one of the forms of sox. I couldn't find any
documentation for a -d switch. The default device, which referrs to the
soundcard, not the channel on the card, will be used in any case,
regardless of any -d switch (according to the sox manpage and my testing).
linux replies: snd_pcm_open error: device or resource is busy
This indicates that something else has the card open. Do you perhaps have
something else managing yoru sound as part of Gnome or something?
You can probably find out what has the card open by using fuser, though
exactly which device to search for I'm not sure.
Something is forcing a connection from mic to pcm to earphones.
If you hear the mic back with no delay of any sort, then this is probably
not the case. the snd_pcm_open above refers to a function call called
snd_pcm_open, which is not related to the PCM output channel of your
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