Answer to question 2, it's likely to crash.On Fri, 15 Jan 2010, Roopakshi
Pathania wrote:
Hi all,
As the subject says, I?m just researching Linux distributions, so I apologize in advance if I end up using wrong technical jargon.
1. What is the status of GSpeech? The information about the GSpeech modules on the web is quite old. Is GSpeech a part of GTK programs, or is it installed separately?
2. This question is distribution specific, but perhaps someone can help me, before I have to write to a separate distribution accessibility list.
While compiling a program (say Abiword) from the source, would it be useful if I could disable the support for inaccessible libraries (say QT), or is it likely to crash?
This is kind of specific to Gentoo distribution.
Has anyone carried out such an experiment?
3. Besides Orca, Speakup, and Emacspeak, has any one used LSR, YASR, or any other screen reader that may be available for Linux?
If so, what has been your experience?
I?m still digging around, so more questions later.
Thanks for any feedback.
Roopakshi from India
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