----- Original Message -----
From: "Lars "Bjørndal"" <lars.bjorndal@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Linux for blind general discussion" <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: updating fedora
"John G. Heim" <jheim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I installed fedora 9 on a machine of mine. I am a debian guy and this
is my first experience with fc. I tried to upgrade to fc 11 with a
command something like "preupdate-cli "fedora11 (codename". I cannot
remembver the code name.
Anyway, it downloaded 11 Gb of stuff and said that the upgrade would
continue after I rebooted. So I rebooted. But then I couldn't access
my system. I had no speech at the console and no ssh. I rebooted
again and the system was definately messed up.
What did I do wrong? Possibilities:
1. Didn't wait long enough after first reboot. Updates were still
being installed.
2. Can't update directly from fc9 to fc11.
The preupgrade process first downloads the packages. Then, after the
reboot, the anaconda installer is started up. I don't know if it's
possible, or how it could be possible to get braille or speech output
from there.
Personally I'm using yum upgrade to new versions, and that works fine.
Be aware that with yum upgrade, you cannot upgrade directly from F9 to
F11. For more information, search google for yum upgrade fedora.
I reinstalled FC9 and this time I tried to upgrade from 9 to 10. It sort of
did the same thing. After I rebooted, I could not ssh to the machine. But
this time I waited all night after I rebooted. And this morning I can ssh to
the machine again.
So apparently it's just a matter of waiting long enough for everything to be
installed. Ittook about 3 hours from the time I first rebooted until it
rebooted itself.
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