----- Original Message -----
From: "marbux" <marbux@xxxxxxxxx>
Can't agree here. There are valid reasons to run Windows too. I run
WinXP Pro as a VM atop Kubuntu 8.04 using Virtual Box for productivity
What do you use for a screen reader in Windows?
I went with vmware for my virtual infrastructure because that's what we use
in my department. But jaws is not working real well. I may have to switch
to nvda.
PS: I'm glad somebody with more specifics chimed in on the productivity
issue. I mentioned it but I don't feel knowledgable enough to spout off
about it. But the truth is that a lot more resources have been pourd into
Windows apps over the years than linux. It makes sense that it's way ahead.
I am not being sarcastic when I say that open source software is one of the
great steps forward in human history. But we've been at it only for a few
years so far.
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