On Sun, 20 Apr 2008, Tony Baechler wrote:
Daniel Dalton wrote:
So if I install linux to it (dual boot with windows) will this void my
Yes, probably unless your warranty specifically says otherwise.
OK, I'll contact the shop about it then...
You could look up the model number on the HP site.
I'll look if the shop won't tell me...
There is another option. Remove the original drives and replace them. If you
have some other hardware problem, put the original drives back in before you
get it repaired. You could also make full image backups of the original hard
disks and restore them if necessary. Personally, I wouldn't worry too much
Well, wouldn't they be able to tell that I opened up the box?
And that may also void the worrenty?
So if I used different hard disks there would be no way of them telling
what I did?
about the warranty because new computers are so cheap nowadays, at least in
the US. If you're really paranoid, I would just buy a new hard drive and put
I'm not trying to be the list police here but I don't think your HP warranty
really fits the subject of Linux since that's between you, HP and the shop
who sold the machine. On the other hand, HP sells Linux servers so you would
Sure, but I thought it was related since I was wondering if installing a
version of "linux" would void most worrenties...
OK, I take your point and I'll ring the shop first and then try HP if I
don't have any luck...
Thanks for your reply,
Daniel Dalton
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