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I finally got alpine to work with pop3.
I just used my iinet account since it didn't require ssl and I couldn't get ssl working with my gmail account.
So I am using fetchmail to recieve the mail.
And I am just using alpine's send function since I couldn't get exim working and it seems to do more than what I need.
Anyway its all working. So that is good.
Thank you very much to everyone that helped me out with getting it all working.
Now I have a few alpine questions:
1. I can sort messages by date the newest at the top by starting alpine like this:
alpine -sort /reverse

How can I make alpine automatically reverse the order when I just type "alpine"?
2. Is it possible to make alpine block quote the text been replied to?
I know thunderbird can do this. For example:
On 3/12/2007 someone wrote:
block quote
what ever someone wrote.
block quote end
My reply.
I just find the block quotes make it easier to follow...
Is this possible?

3. How do I save/open attachments?
4. What packages do I need for the spell checker?
I get an error about alpine not been able to find the spell checker in /bin or something.
Any ideas on what I need?

I am reading the man page now so a couple other questions I had have already been answered.
If someone could help me out here I would greatly appreciate it.

-- Daniel Dalton

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