Start here: This will give you the non-Javascript interface that should let you do most things from w3m. >>>>> "michaelweaver" == michaelweaver <weavermicha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: michaelweaver> Someone suggested that I should perhaps use michaelweaver> w3m for web browsing. I can use Lynx for some michaelweaver> web pages but it does not appear to work in michaelweaver> Googlemail. How do I set options in W3m? I michaelweaver> have tried setting the options through both michaelweaver> Orca from the Gnome terminal and from a text michaelweaver> terminal using Speakup but I cannot seem to be michaelweaver> able to pick any of the options I need. Which michaelweaver> ones need to be changed and how do I set the michaelweaver> keystrokes to other than Japaneese? michaelweaver> michaelweaver> _______________________________________________ michaelweaver> Blinux-list mailing list michaelweaver> Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx michaelweaver> -- Best Regards, --raman Email: raman@xxxxxxxxxxxx WWW: AIM: emacspeak GTalk: PGP: Google: tv+raman IRC: irc:// _______________________________________________ Blinux-list mailing list Blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx