----- Original Message -----
From: "Jürgen Dengo" <jyrgen.dengo@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 10:06 AM
Subject: wireless config question
Hello. I'm using a debian echy system, patched with lenny updates and a
focus 40 braille display. My question is, how can I configure my wireless
network using only my braille interface. I also remember from my ubuntu
times, that while configuring the wireless network in command line, it kept
forgetting those entries I made.
Oh, I was going to say that it probably doesn't matter that you have a
braille display but I think that what you mean is that you want to do it at
the command line. I don't even have a GUI on my laptop so it didn't occur to
me that most people probably use GUI tools for this.
The command you need is iwconfig. If you google for that, you'll find plenty
of tutorials. But essentially, what you will do is say:
iwconfig <interface> essid <essid>
where interface is something like eth0 and essid is the essid on your
wireless router. You probably already know the essid of your router. But if
not you can get it with the iwlist command. For example, the essid of my
router is tsunami. So I type:
iwconfig eth0 essid tsunami
Actually, I configured my wireless router to use 128 encryption so I have to
pass the encryption key too:
iwconfig eth0 essid tsunami key 3959387282...
I created an alias for the above command so that I wouldn't have to retype
it each time:
alias connect='iwconfig eth0 essid tsunami key 495jwkdhj83764'
After you issue the iwconfig command, you will still probably have to
request an IP address. FThere are several tools you can use for that. I use
dhclient. So I type:
dhclient eth0
Buttabing, buttaboom!
If you want your wireless interface configured automatically when you turn
your laptop on, you'd edit the file /etc/network/interfaces. You should
google for tutorials on that because it's too complicated to explain in an
email message.
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