I see that I have a quite old 2.4.26 version of the Linux kernel on
this computer on which I don't run Linux very often. Are you saying
that the problem with large files has been fixed in 2.6?
/David R.
At 13:01 2007-02-27, you wrote:
Do you use a recent version of linux kernel?
I have seen message on linux-kernel in 2002 describing exactly your
problem, but I believe it has been fixed long ago.
cat /proc/version
on your system reports?
On Tue, 27 Feb 2007, David [iso-8859-1] Renström wrote:
> Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:27:23 +0100
> From: "David [iso-8859-1] Renström" <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: OT: Large files shrinking in Linux?
> Hi list,
> Excuse me for asking a question which is a little bit off-topic. I
> recently wanted to transfer a 2,9 GB file from a DVD+R disc to my
> Linux partition. The problem was that the file seemed to be no larger
> than about 11 MB! I finally had to boot into DOS, copy the file to a
> FAT32 partition and then boot into Linux and move the file to the
> Linux partition. Why is this? I mounted the DVD+R as ISO9660, was
> this wrong? It appears to have been working before.
> Regards,
> /David R.
/David R.
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