Have you tried it without the drive specification? I don't think they are
Somewhere around here, I have a CD that boots and runs the JAWS for DOS
installer. I never got any further than that with it though. The trick
would be to have a working version of JAWS for DOS *installed* on the CD so
it could come up talking.
AFIK, everybody uses Bart's tools to create bootable DOS/Windows CDs.
I used Bart's stools to create a bootable CD but I don't know why you
couldn't do it with the usual linux tools. Take a bootable diskette, make
an image of it with dd, ufeed that to mkisofs.
If you intend to distribute your CD, you can't use Microsoft DOS. It is
still copyrighted. You can use FreeDOS though. I'm not sure JAWS for DOS
works with FreeDOS though.
Have you tried some of the bootable linux CDs to see if they include kermit
or some other comm program? In fact, it might be easier to modify a linux CD
than it would be to create a DOS CD from scratch.
Useful tools are:
1. Re-writable CDs. You'll waste too many of the write-once kind.
2. PC Weasel. I guess this is an unrealistic tip because the buggers cost
$350. But what this thing does is it acts like a video card except that it
puts it's output to a serial port built into the card. So you can run a
terminal emulator on another PC and see/hear the output to the console of
the machine with the PC Weasel. I don't think I could have gotten as far as
I have with my attempt to build a bootable DOS CD w/o this card.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin McCormick" <martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Linux for blind general discussion" <blinux-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 1:46 PM
Subject: Is it Possible to Build a Knoppix-Like CDROM Version of DOS?
If you build a bootable CDROM containing DOS, what letter is it
likely to assume? I wanted to be able to install Linux on a
system but be able to stick in a CDROM containing DOS, MSKermit
and a screen reader to use that system as a talking serial
terminal in to other Linux boxes. One must set the path in
autoexec.bat and that includes the drive designation. It
occurred to me that I wasn't sure what letter it would assume so
I am asking whether anyone else has done this and whether or not
it worked. Is there already an image of a bootable version of
DOS I could add the speech to?
The actual speech comes from one of the Echo
synthesizers. This setup works great on a conventional hard
drive and even can be made to work with just floppies, but a
CDROM would have everything one needed all on one disk. It
should work on just about any system with two serial ports.
I guess you could even use the vdisk application found in
some versions of DOS to make a virtual disk out of some of the
RAM so one could log to a file if desired and save it to a floppy
although most of the time, all that is needed is the working DOS
and screen reader.
Any ideas welcome.
Martin McCormick WB5AGZ Stillwater, OK
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group
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