What would be a good rsync command line to use say to download the five
FC-6-i386.iso files from the current directory on speakupmodified.org?
Also i you do a line like rsync -l speakupmodified.org to get the
available distributions, how would you extrapolate the path on
speakupmodified.org to those files? If there's interest, I may put
together a post-install security howto for the command line for some of
the more recent kernel version distributions. This if it happens at all
won't happen until well into next year at the earliest since the box I'm
using now was hacked (chkrootkit provides that news each day) and I want
to test out the new installation against hackers for sometime before
writing that howto. The information was gathered from many other similar
documents and I don't know what will and will not work.
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