I've created about a million dual boot PCs over the past year or so and I
always partition the HD with fdisk first. I boot with an oralux CD.
I don't know about Win 98 but I can tell you that Windows XP will slurp up
the entire HD unless you create a second partition. ie. Just creating a
partition for Windows that takes up half the disk won't do.
1. Boot oralux
2. run fdisk ex: fdisk /dev/hda
3. Create primary partition 1, change type to B (fat32), make active
4. Create partion 2, make type 83 (linux)
5. Save changes
Now you can install Windows into partion 1 and linux into partition 2.
At 07:00 PM 5/29/2006, Kristoffer Gustafsson wrote:
I need a good program to partition my harddrive.
I've gotten a 200 gb harddrive, and I want to install windows 98 and linux
on the same computer.
I'm using fedora core 3.
So, what partitioning tools are good?
I've tried disk druid, but it doesn't seem very accesible o me.
Since I plan to install win 98 first I don't have linux at all, so I think
that I'll have to do with some dos or windows based program.
Also, When installing fedora core 3 partition errors are much more common
than when using fedora 2.
Have any of you noticed this?