Re: A Question About Growing a Linux Screen Reader

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Samuel Thibault writes:
>Just write a driver for it in one of those screen readers...

	That is probably the best approach.  Then, I wouldn't
have to get nearly as many things working at once.

	There are at least two flavors of the Echo external
synthesizer.  The oldest version which will turn twenty this year
but is still going, has a very generous buffer but no indexing
which, as I understand it, lets the application know how much
speech is left to deliver.

	The newer version can speak faster at its fastest rate
but the pronunciation is not as clear and the buffer not very
large.  It does have indexing, however.  The control command set
for both is similar, but for best results, you need to let your
application know which Echo you are using.

	Since I have each type, testing wouldn't be a problem.

Martin McCormick



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