Re: Fwd: Re: Playing tone through speakers

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press ctrl+g to get a bell.
or you may want to use the unixcw package (which actually does to
On Sat, 22 Jan 2005, Thomas Stivers wrote:

 > Hash: SHA1
 > - ----- Forwarded message from Sam Watkins <swatkins@xxxxxxxxxxx> -----
 > From: Sam Watkins <swatkins@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 > Subject: Re: Playing tone through speakers
 > I thought you might find this interesting.
 > On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 01:19:20PM -0600, Michael Satterwhite wrote:
 > > So the correct question would be: Does anyone know of a utility that
 > > would play a continuous tone of a specified frequency through the
 > > speakers attached to my SoundBlaster Live?
 > Yes, I wrote one, it's called "bell".  It's OSS specific at the moment,
 > but I suppose it would work with ALSA's OSS emulation.
 > It's written in my C dialect, which has a python-like syntax, and uses
 > some libraries I wrote.  Here is the source code:
 > I wrote a program yesterday to automatically make standalone source
 > files so I wouldn't have to burden you with my libraries.  Here is the
 > source code including the bits of my libraries it needs:
 > Here is the C translation, this is the one you'll need if you want to
 > compile it yourself:
 > And here is an i386/linux elf executable:
 > To compile:
 >   gcc -Wall -lm bell.c
 > Usage:
 >   bell <freq> <amplitude> <duration>
 > Examples:
 >   bell 440 1 1
 > gives an A440 tone at max volume for 1 second.
 >   bell 220 0.5 0.1
 > gives an A220 tone (one octave lower) at half volume for 0.1 second.
 > If you are musically inclined, you might want to do something like this
 > to use semitones instead of hertz (beware, perl code):
 > sub bell {
 > 	my ($pitch, $duration, $volume) = @_;
 > 	$volume = $ENV{bell_volume} if @_ == 2;
 > 	my $freq = 440 * 2 ** ($pitch / 12);
 > 	system("bell", $freq, $volume, $duration);
 > }
 > I should probably modify the bell program to do this itself.
 > I wrote this bell program as part of my "voice editor", "ved", which is
 > intended for blind people to record and edit speech, or for people to
 > record audio-books, or for children who have trouble writing or typing
 > to be able to record stories for school then write them down later.
 > I found it was quite good for recording a diary too.
 > It allows you to record your speech, automatically splits the recorded
 > sound into sentences and omits stretches of silence.  You can browse
 > back and forth and change things, insert new recorded speech, etc., play
 > back the recording at various speeds (using sox), structure your work
 > into paragraphs and chapters and browse around a paragraph or chapter at
 > a time, etc.  I wrote it for my grandmother who cannot see very well.
 > I intend to release "ved" as free-software, would anyone be interested
 > in using it when I do?
 > - --
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 > - --
 > "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
 > Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
 > by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan
 > Thomas Stivers	e-mail: stivers_t@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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