Hi all, OK. Then see attached file to browse the mini HowTo. Comments and suggestions are welcome. -- Nath *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 05/10/02 at 23:13 Mario Lang wrote: >"Nath" <nath31@ifrance.com> writes: > >> If you want to build and install Gnome 2 and Gnopernicus in order to help >> the Gnome Accessibility Project by testing, debugging, writting doc etc >> etc... or simply have an idea of the project, I have written a mini howto >> explaining how to build and install all these things. >> To browse this text, go to the following url : >> http://tux31.homelinux.net/linux/inst_gnome2_accessibility.htmAll your >comments and suggestions are welcome. > >I seem to fail to reach this server. Given the hostname, I guess it's a >private dhcpdyndns type of machine. >Could you send the text of this mini-howto via mail? >I think it's relevant enought o be sent to blinux-list directly. >If you don't, please send it as private mail, thanks > > >-- >CYa, > Mario > > > >_______________________________________________ > >Blinux-list@redhat.com >https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list >______________________________________________________________________ >Etudiant: Wanadoo t'offre le Pack eXtense Haut Débit soit 150,92 euros >d'économies ! Clique ici : http://www.ifrance.com/_reloc/mail.etudiantTitle: INSTALLING GNOME 2 AND GNOPERNICUS
Before beginning I suggest that you visit the Gnome Accessibility Project (GAP) web page in order to have a global vision of the project. Visit the web page at:
In this howto I will explain the steps required to build Gnome 2 and gnopernicus, and how to get them up and operating on your computer.
You will need to complete these steps before you can use gnopernicus :
SECTION 1 : Building and installing Gnome 2 SECTION 2 : Building and installing some extra packages SECTION 3 : Building and installing Festival TTS SECTION 4 : Building and installing gnome-mag, gnome-speech and gnopernicus SECTION 5 : Starting to use Gnopernicus
Building and Installing Gnome 2
In this section the goal is to build and install the Gnome 2 environment using available tarball source packages from gnome.org.
Building and installing some extra packages
Once you have installed the Gnome 2 environment using Garnome you will need to download and install some additional packages that Garnome doesn't include by default.
Building and installing Festival TTS
At this point you will need to download and install the Festival TTS packages for speech. I will give you the instructions for Debian, because I personally use Debian. For other distributions you will need to download and build Festival TTS in the traditional way.
Building and installing Gnome-mag, Gnome-speech and Gnopernicus
Finally, we have come to the last step. You should visit the Gnopernicus web site, and read and follow all the instructions on this web page. You can visit the gnopernicus web page at:
At this point if you have not already done so you should remember to run the "go_gnome" script which will initialize some required environment variables.
Starting to use gnopernicus
First of all, we will need to set some environment/initialization variables. You should open the bash_profile file in your favorite text editor and add the following lines to it. Feel free to change the lines to fit your personal needs.
APPENDIX A : Installing X
If you are blind like me you probably do not know how to install the X-windows system. It's normal because until now we were unable to use it. Back then, what was the point installing X knowing it was not something we could use ?
APPENDIX B : Contacts
If you need help or you wish to discuss Gnome Accessibility and assistive technologies, join the gnome-accessibility-list. To subscribe go to the following URL :
You can also contact me by sending an email to:
Comments and suggestions about this page are welcome
Particular thanks to the Gnome Accessibility team (Bill, Michael and all the others) who help me to build and install this environment.
I used the Garnome script which should download, build, and install the Gnome 2 environment in any directory that you specify. You can obtain
the Garnome script from :
You should read all the instructions given on this web page. After doing so you should have no problems building and installing the Gnome 2 environment.
A note to the reader : Make sure that you have built and installed all the required libraries. Also, remember to modify the line beginning with the word "prefix..." in the "gar.conf.mk" file to set the location where you wish to build and install the Gnome 2 environment.
Download and install the following packages :
I have forgotten a few packages, but if you have any problems don't hesitate to contact me. Perhaps, together we can figure it out.
To get the missing packages you must go to the GARNOME directory and for each package execute the following commands followed by the enter key :
$ cd gnome/package_name/
$ make install
For Debian users use the following command :
$ apt-get install festival festlex-cmu festlex-poslex festvox-kdlpc16k
For users not using Debian you can always retrieve the festival source from :
Download all the source tarballs, extract them to a single directory, and run the following commands :
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
Regarding all the things that has been done before, running this last step, downloading, building and installing gnome-mag, gnome-speech and gnopernicus should be the only things left to do now.
I checked out the gnome-speech, gnome-mag, and gnopernicus packages, and I installed these packages in my Gnome 2 tree using the "--prefix=/repertoire_gnome2/" option when running the "./autogen.sh" script.
While building gnome-mag you may receive an error message. In such a case, just check out an older gnome-mag release in the CVS tree using the following command :
cvs -z3 checkout -r gnome-2-0 gnome-mag
export MAGNIFIER=0
export FESTIVAL=1
export VIAVOICE=0
export PATH=/gnome_directory/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/gnome2_directory/lib
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/gnome2_directory/lib/pkgconfig
export GTK_MODULES="gail:atk-bridge"
export GDK_USER_XFT=1
Save your changes, and exit the file. In order to have these environment variables properly initialized you must logout and then login again.
Now, using your favorite text editor we must create a file named, "xinitrc," in your home directory. This file will be used when invoking the "startx" command so we can run Gnome 2. For example my ".xinitrc" file contains the following lines :
festival --server &
gnopernicus &
sawfish &
gnome-terminal &
exec gnome-session
Ah, last point : In order to run the Gnome 2 environment and to be able to use assistive technology, we must enable accessibility support which is disabled by default. To do this type the following line :
$ gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility true
Now, the moment we all have been waiting for. Type the command :
$ startx
If all went well Gnopernicus should speak to you. If it doesn't don't worry I am sure we will be able to help you. I am certain we will succeed. See the contact information further down in this document.
I am going to show you how to install X on a Debian system. I apologize that I can not tell you how to install X on other Linux distributions.
In Debian we are going to use the traditional "apt-get" command. Type the following line :
$ apt-get install xserver-xfree86 xfree86-common xserver-common
xbase-clients xfonts-base xutils xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi
The debconf utility will ask you some questions. Answer these questions the best you can so you can obtain a properly working X-Windows system.
It's necessary to know your hardware characteristics : graphic card, keyboard, mouse and monitor. Knowing these things and with a little patience you can succeed.
If you wish to reconfigure the X server simply type the following command :
$ dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
Thanks to Thomas for his corrections and tests.