Hi I haven't seen a response to your post and I'm not sure if I remember where you change these options. I think that if you select the options of the view menu when 'My Computer' or 'Window Explorer' and there's a file associations dialog box where you can edit the listings. Sorry I can't be more precise. But its the Windows 'file associations' that you need to look for not Realplayer settings. I know it should enable you to do so but I guess it doesn't. Gena Blindness Advocacy and Self Help Online www.bashonline.org >Hi! >I am tring to download Emacspeak in RPM format, ready for installing Linux >when my support worker has copied it for me. >However, I can't find the option in Realplayer for stoping it from running >RPM files and treating it as a realaudio file. >At the moment I am using Windows 98. >Could anyone please tell me the option in realplayer as I seem to have gone >through everyone in the preferences and still couldn't find the check boxes >for the file extentions. > > > >_______________________________________________ > >Blinux-list@redhat.com >https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list