Check with your bank. While mine doesn't have talking ATMs yet, they do have a website of their main bank online and it is pretty accessable. Using your pin you can check your balance, pay certain bills, and transfer money. If you plan ahead you can preapprove other monthly bills and also pay those online also through their site. Check your bank, you might find they offer similiar services. Ron Brent Harding wrote: > > I think they will for direct deposit. If I only knew of talking ATM's in > Northcentral Wisconsin, where I will be going to school (don't know many > people their that I can trust with my pin) thinking of going with netbank, > if I can find an accessible way to make my initial deposit. > At 08:29 PM 8/5/02 -0700, you wrote: > >Hi Brent, > > > >Unfortunately, SSA won't let you deal with them over the phone on most > >things. They really are pretty screwed up when it comes to proper > >accessibility. > > -- === Ron Marriage Home Page Blind Links Linux Email