Please find below a brief summary of the progress Collabora has made last week.
Week 30 (2023)
- SPEC-4863 (Interactively/Dynamically move floating windows
with gRPC API) - part of the AGL F2F in japan request.
Compositor and window-management-client-grpc updates. Still need
to update agl-shell-activator and hve a fully working example.
- SPEC-4862 (Add a scale request/gRPC API similar to ivi-layout's surface_set_destination_rectangle) - part of the AGL F2F in Japan. Started adding code in the compositor and looking at surface_set_destination_rectangle() in ivi-layout.
- SPEC-4770 (qtwayland 5.15.7 doesn't build with local patch) - posted an alternative patch to work-around the issue within a MR.
- SPEC-4751 (Missing GLES3 headers - qt apps fail to compile
with the SDK) - retried and testing with latest master and I can
no longer replicate it. Presumably some yocto updates fixed it.
Marked as fixed - Cannot Reproduce.
- SPEC-4847 (agl-compositor/xwayland: xterm crashes when started
from weston-terminal) - some minor tests and MR adjustments.
Best regards,
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