Deprecating Waltham support in the AGL compositor

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Hi all,

I've been advocating for a while now for the removal of Waltham support
in the AGL compositor. Unfortunately, we don't really have a maintainer
for Waltham, nor do we test out or build the transmitter plug-in (it is
quite likely it doesn't build at this time).

Given that, and the fact that it would make the AGL compositor more
slimmer, I've started now to deprecate support for it [1], with the plan to
effectively remove any code related to Waltham that we have in the 
AGL compositor from our next release (what comes after Octopus basically).

If you feel like Waltham is (still) a technology use-case you'd like to
have/use/keep please reach out/speak out so I can hold/stop these
actions, or alternatively see if there's a way to still support your
uses-cases using a more suitable/viable alternative.


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