I'm hitting host contamination exceptions with Clang 10 and Boost (so far).
Exception: Exception: KeyError: 'getpwuid(): uid not found: 1018'
./package is owned by uid 1018, gid 1018, which doesn't match any
user/group on target. This may be due to host contamination
The setup:
* Gitlab self hosted runner on Fedora 34 with uid=1018.
* Docker running Ubuntu 20 container running with option `--user 1018`.
* user in container running build has uid=1018.
I do not get contamination exceptions with Yocto Dunfell latest build:
One thought is to workaround with bbappend recipes with `INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "host-user-contaminated"`. I'm figuring there's something in Dunfell latest that resolves this.
The same ci build job using uid=1000 issues don't show up; not a workable solution.
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