Hi Francesco, What's the path of the file? Do you have write permissions (DAC & SMACK) on it? Try to write in a public dir (for example /tmp), and in the service working dir, which should be writable for the service only. HTH --- Stephane Desneux - CTO - IoT.bzh stephane.desneux@xxxxxxx - www.iot.bzh On 05/07/2021 16:33, Francesco ARGENTIERI (KINETON) wrote: > Hi everyone, I developed a custom service, now I want to save the current status > as a JSON file. > The code seems to work fine, but the result is a blank file. How it is possible? > Can you help me? My code is shown below: > > |void writeFile(){ std::ofstream o(f); o << std::setw(4) << out << std::endl; > o.close(); } | > > The blank file has already installed together with the service. > > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#9284): https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-dev-community/message/9284 Mute This Topic: https://lists.automotivelinux.org/mt/83998229/2167316 Mute #permissions:https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-dev-community/mutehashtag/permissions Mute #koi:https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-dev-community/mutehashtag/koi Mute #agl:https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-dev-community/mutehashtag/agl Group Owner: agl-dev-community+owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Unsubscribe: https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-dev-community/leave/4543822/2167316/883735764/xyzzy [list-automotive-discussions82@xxxxxxxxxxx] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-