BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Inc//Automotive Grade Linux Calendar//EN METHOD:CANCELLED CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:rA7n.1580078313614990210.BXtA@xxxxxxxxx DTSTAMP:20200901T120723Z ORGANIZER;CN=Robbie Jones:mailto:robbie.jones@xxxxxxxxxxxxx DTSTART:20200907T143000Z DTEND:20200907T150000Z SUMMARY:EG V2C DESCRIPTION:Description: AGL V2C Expert Group\n\nPlease join my meeting f rom your computer\, tablet or smartphone.\n /join/271869653 ( .com/join/271869653&sa=D&ust=1573874480726000&usg=AOvVaw3DEWg8HNYbnKFO1je bCjH9 )\n\nYou can also dial in using your phone.\nUnited States (Toll Fr ee): 1 866 899 4679\nUnited States: +1 (571) 317-3117\n\nAccess Code: 271 -869-653\n\nMore phone numbers\nArgentina (Toll Free): 0 800 444 2385\nAu stralia (Toll Free): 1 800 191 358\nAustria (Toll Free): 0 800 202144\nBa hrain (Toll Free): 800 81 305\nBelarus (Toll Free): 8 820 0073 0071\nBelg ium (Toll Free): 0 800 78881\nBrazil (Toll Free): 0 800 047 4902\nBulgari a (Toll Free): 00800 120 4413\nCanada (Toll Free): 1 888 299 1889\nChile (Toll Free): 800 395 146\nChina (Toll Free): 4008 866143\nColombia (Toll Free): 01 800 012 9057\nCosta Rica (Toll Free): 0800 542 5404\nCzech Repu blic (Toll Free): 800 143570\nDenmark (Toll Free): 8025 3112\nFinland (To ll Free): 0 800 917643\nFrance (Toll Free): 0 805 541 052\nGermany (Toll Free): 0 800 723 5274\nGreece (Toll Free): 00 800 4414 4282\nHong Kong (T oll Free): 800 900 221\nHungary (Toll Free): (06) 80 986 259\nIceland (To ll Free): 800 7206\nIndia (Toll Free): 18002669775\nIndonesia (Toll Free) : 001 803 852 9155\nIreland (Toll Free): 1 800 818 263\nIsrael (Toll Free ): 1 809 453 019\nItaly (Toll Free): 800 792289\nJapan (Toll Free): 0 120 242 200\nKorea\, Republic of (Toll Free): 00798 14 207 4828\nLuxembourg (Toll Free): 800 29524\nMalaysia (Toll Free): 1 800 81 6860\nMexico (Toll Free): 01 800 083 5535\nNetherlands (Toll Free): 0 800 023 1954\nNew Zea land (Toll Free): 0 800 47 0051\nNorway (Toll Free): 800 33 083\nPanama ( Toll Free): 00 800 203 0002\nPeru (Toll Free): 0 800 77844\nPhilippines ( Toll Free): 1 800 8908 8243\nPoland (Toll Free): 00 800 1124748\nPortugal (Toll Free): 800 784 711\nRomania (Toll Free): 0 800 400 827\nRussian Fe deration (Toll Free): 8 800 100 6216\nSaudi Arabia (Toll Free): 800 844 3 636\nSingapore (Toll Free): 18007231322\nSlovakia (Toll Free): 0 800 132 608\nSouth Africa (Toll Free): 0 800 555 451\nSpain (Toll Free): 800 900 593\nSweden (Toll Free): 0 200 330 924\nSwitzerland (Toll Free): 0 800 00 0 452\nTaiwan (Toll Free): 0 800 666 846\nThailand (Toll Free): 1 800 658 129\nTurkey (Toll Free): 00 800 4488 29001\nUkraine (Toll Free): 0 800 5 0 1784\nUnited Arab Emirates (Toll Free): 800 044 40444\nUnited Kingdom ( Toll Free): 0 800 389 5276\nUruguay (Toll Free): 0004 019 1017\nViet Nam (Toll Free): 120 32 148\n\nNew to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be rea dy when your first meeting starts:\n l/271869653 ( /install/271869653&sa=D&ust=1573874480726000&usg=AOvVaw1L_1tgv_LE4MZxRlgR hlRX )\n\nOrganizer: AGL Meetings LOCATION: SEQUENCE:999 STATUS:CANCELLED END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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