Re: Autofs indirect mount is not unmounting

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On 19/3/25 05:33, D VanBoom wrote:
I am attempting a simple configuration under Debian 12, autofs 5.1.18.

That must be a Debian construction, there's no 5.1.18 release.

It's also a bit odd since most revision constructs have an additional number

that's roughly related to patch level and leave the base version alone.

Anyway ...

In /etc/auto.master.d/fortknox.autofs
/fortknox    /etc/auto.forknox   --timeout=20

In /etc/auto.fortknox
backups -rw,vers=4       

I can easily get it to automount with "ls /fortknox/backups"

But watching the mounts, it never unmounts.

lsof +D /fortknox/backups shows nothing.
lsof +D /fortknox shows that automount is accessing that path.

Your assuming only an open file or process working directory (and I don't think

you will see an open file handle if a process uses this as it's working directory).

IIRC the default is any access will update the last used counter so products that

scan the file system can keep things mounted but a 20 second timeout is quite short

so it sounds strange.

You could try the scrictexpire option on the master map entry:

/fortknox    /etc/auto.forknox   --timeout=20,strictexpire

I think that's the right syntax ... it should cause the expire to ignore transient

accesses and only prevent expire of mounts actually in use.


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