Hadders wrote:
James Olson wrote:
Yes I think rc11 does have the stripe size fix and that is also the
version that I am running here with my FC5.
Try this command:
dmraid -a n && dmraid -a y
I believe that would fix the drive mapping and having both the dmraid
deactivation and activation on one line is fast enough so it won't
mess up your mounted volume. Then recreate your /boot/initrd-(kernel
version here).img file with the /sbin/mkinitrd command and see if
that works.
Have an update. I downloaded the source for dmraid, rc13 and installed
it for my machine. Still have the same problem though.
Detailed message at boot is:
device-mapper: table: 253:0: striped: Couldn't parse stripe destination
device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table
device-mapper: reload ioctrl failed: No such device or address
Unable to determine geometry of file/device
You should not use Parted unless you REALLY know what you're doing!
Unable to open /dev/mapper/isw_bdbbdbcbda_MyRAID0 - unrecognised disk
he he, I like the part about using parted. Funny thing is I didn't! I
used fdisk and made things the "old fashioned" way.
So, I'm running device-mapper 4.5.0 for FC5, is there a newer version?!
Hmmm, got cunning and loaded the 2.6.18-1.2239smp kernel into my PATA
hard disk. Then loaded up and noticed that device-mapper was at version
4.7 (previously 4.5) in the base kernel.
Did the dmraid -a n && dmraid -a y to unload/load it. And it stopped
Then edited my fstab and made the root and boot mappings point to my
/dev/mapper devices and built an initrd. Then copied that over to the
raid boot and tried to load with it. Didn't complain any more but still
couldn't find root.
Just wondering if I can load the 2.6.18 kernel off my ATA drive and then
"swap" root directories out from under it, would that effect the make
initrd? effectively remounting root and then rebuilding initrd?
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