Thanks for coming back to me about this, everyone else has gone quiet.
I updated my existing FC5 to rc11 and the mount problems went away! yay!
As I was saying, I'd setup a new install of FC5, but problems with the
Kernel made me consider a drastic move. I decided to copy my existing
setup across into the RAID container.
I cleaned out the target partitions first and the did a "find . -xdev |
cpio -pdam /<dest>" and copied everything into the new places.
I kept the Device.Map from Grub for the Original RAID install and copied
this back once I'd migrated.
I tweaked the /etc/fstab to ensure things pointed to the right labels.
It didn't work, I didn't get a device/mapper error, but then it couldn't
find the container and mount "root" (LABEL=/) and yes, I checked that
the RAID container volumes have an e2label that matches.
This last section of your response, kinda makes sense to me but it's a
bit beyond me. Can you please expand on the steps to:
1. "unpack the ramdisk" ? what file is this? how do I unpack this?
2. "edit that file manually"? what am I editing and what in particular
am I looking for?
3. repack? okay makes sense
If you can point me in the right direction of the unpack/pack and what
I'm editing this would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not to worred about getting rc13 yet. I think rc11 has fixed the
initial problems, and it sounds like your diagnosis about the mapping
being defunct is right! I just need to know how to fix it.
Thanks Heaps.
James Olson wrote:
Are you getting this this kernel error when you type dmraid -ay with
rc11, or when trying to boot?
Another known problem is that FC5 mapping created with the original
dmraid gets "stuck". Using mkinitrd doesn't update to the new mapping
(that eliminates the stripe size error). The device mapping is stored
inside the initial initrd file inside the "init" file. You may have to
unpack the ramdisk edit that file manually and repack to get it to work.
Also if the rpm is for fc6 you could instead download the dmraid
source files and compile the newer version on fc5 with gcc.
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