I have two seagate 120G SATA HD under NVraid, the chip set is NFORCE3 Ultra. I config the two HD as RAID0, there are three primary partitions on NVRAID, all primary partitions formated as NTFS and one extended partition.My linux installed on an other IDE HD, when I create a logical partition under windows, dmraid couldn't recognise the logical partition. when I create a new logical partition under Linux use fdisk command, Windows recognised the logical partition as a primary partition. I use dmraid 1.0.0.rc7 kernel-2.6.9-6.39.EL.jwltest.19.x86_64.rpm If somebody could help me create logical partitions correct? _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? 150万曲MP3疯狂搜,带您闯入音乐殿堂 http://music.yisou.com/ 美女明星应有尽有,搜遍美图、艳图和酷图 http://image.yisou.com 1G就是1000兆,雅虎电邮自助扩容! http://cn.rd.yahoo.com/mail_cn/tag/1g/*http://cn.mail.yahoo.com/event/mail_1g/