Hi, being new to this list and to dmraid, I could not be so sure is my problem is what Paul Moore describes here (https://www.redhat.com/archives/ataraid-list/2005-February/msg00004.html - Subject: Re: Some strange behavior with Promise Fasttrak). I am using dmraid (rc5) within Gentoo (using dmraid initrd) on Promise integrated PDC20265 controller with patched for RAID support BIOS. It works pretty well (although I had no chance to check raid1 , which I am using, functionality). There is only problem that from my two 200G hard drives I have acceseble 100G only (remember, this is RAID1, so I have to have 200G). dmraid rc6 looks like does not helps here too much, but for me even makes things worse - it is changing mapped set name and as far as I can tell, fdisk show me same 100G, and I have only 3 devices in /dev/mapper instead of 5 I'm having with rc5. Is there any advice for my case or I am too unclear here? Regards, Alex