I've just been able to use the promise controller whit a different distro and/or kernel from the one supported by promise. Here is how to do it: 1) Download from Promise the drivers for suse (name: 2_SuSE8x-ft3xx.zip) 2) Go to your kernel sources root 3) Edit ./Makefile 4) Change version to: VERSION = 2 PATCHLEVEL = 4 SUBLEVEL = 19 EXTRAVERSION = -4GB 5) edit kernel config Add support for: * Set version information on all module symbols * SCSI support * SCSI Disk support Disable: ACPI support for dual processors (untested, only followed what saied in Promise README) 6) compile and install your new kernel 7) copy 2_SuSE8x-ft3xx/linux/suse/i386-8.1/modules/ft3xx.o to 3376/53376/53376/5/lib/modules/2.4.19-4GB/kernel/drivers/scsi/ Please note that depmod may fail, no prob.s, insmod works. If you want to boot from your RAID read Promise README and follow instruction, only use this new kernel I'm using since a week my promise controller with no prob.s at all. Only loading kernel module and mount raid partition takes some time, about 2/3 sec.s I haven't yet tested with a 2.5.x kernel but I think this will fail due to some module api changes... P.S. Righ now I'm running a modified kernel from gentoo: it is a 2.4.20 with really many patches. -- Luca Roccia |