On Fri, Sep 21, 2001 at 06:44:58PM +0200, Erik van Asselt wrote: > i used the driver from promise to install redhat > i noticed that redhat install did not load ft.o so the install was doomed to fail (the same problem i think as mentioned in "onboard fasttrak RAID controller") > i load it my self by leaving the install with ctrl-alt-F2 and modprobe ft.o > alt-F7 back and continuing the install > after installing it won't boot again so i'm forced to use the linux rescue mode and do the same as above > and more > CTRL-ALT-F2 again > mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy > modprobe /mnt/floppy/ft.o > mount -t ext2 /dev/sda6 /mnt/sys > chroot /mnt/sys > (Don't forget to use this option on boot : linux ide0=0x1f0,0x3f6,14 ide1=0x170,0x376,15 ide2=0 ide3=0 ....... ide9=0 rescue (or expert) on PDC20262 or PDC20265 else ft.o wil not work correctly) > > and then i installed the new sources for linux kernel 2.4.9 and patched it with patch-2.4.9-ac12 > after compiling several times it is still not working > but tried almost every option in the kernel but i keep getting kernel oopses and virtual page blah and then it hangs > (and every time i have to do the above ritual pffff :=( takes a long time pffff) > anybody know what is the problem? > I see an error when it is compiling promise support (something about dma) > but the oopses and virtueal mapping blah errors appear at random time it seems > so if i boot the system a couple of times over again > it sometimes paniced before e2fsck /dev/sda6 and sometimes after the filesystem check ( it even has finished the filecheck wauw :=) ehm the 2.4.9-ac12 driver doesn't use /dev/sda... but /dev/ataraid/d0