Situation is same: MTP3 T2 timer started on link SLC: 0 ADJPC: 1606 [Dec 5 12:46:00] WARNING[13462]: chan_dahdi.c:10094 ss7_linkset: MTP2 link down (SLC 154887680) Changeover completed on link SLC: 0 PC: 1606 FSN: 10 [Dec 5 12:46:00] ERROR[13462]: chan_dahdi.c:10935 dahdi_ss7_error: Adjecent SP PC: 1606 DOWN!!! [Dec 5 12:46:00] WARNING[13462]: chan_dahdi.c:10094 ss7_linkset: MTP2 link down (SLC 154906720) --- SS7 Down --- [Dec 5 12:46:01] ERROR[13462]: chan_dahdi.c:10935 dahdi_ss7_error: T7 expired on link SLC: 1 ADJPC: 1606 ss7node1*CLI> ss7node1*CLI> ss7node1*CLI> ss7node1*CLI> ss7node1*CLI> ss7node1*CLI> ss7node1*CLI> ss7node1*CLI> ss7node1*CLI> MTP2 link up (SLC 154906720) MTP2 link up (SLC 154887680) MTP3 T19 timer started PC: 1606 MTP3 T21 timer stopped PC: 1606 Adjecent SP PC: 1606 UP!!! LINKSET UP DELAYING RESETTING --- SS7 Up --- Resetting CICs 2 to 31 ISUP timer t22 (15000ms) started on CIC 2 DPC 1600 ISUP timer t23 (300000ms) started on CIC 2 DPC 1600 Resetting CICs 3202 to 3231 ISUP timer t22 (15000ms) started on CIC 3202 DPC 1600 ISUP timer t23 (300000ms) started on CIC 3202 DPC 1600 ISUP timer t22 stopped on CIC 2 DPC: 1600 ISUP timer t23 stopped on CIC 2 DPC: 1600 Got reset acknowledgement from CIC 2 to 31 DPC: 1600 ISUP timer t22 stopped on CIC 3202 DPC: 1600 ISUP timer t23 stopped on CIC 3202 DPC: 1600 Got reset acknowledgement from CIC 3202 to 3231 DPC: 1600 Adjecent SP PC: 1606 STATE: UP TRA: GOT SENT T19: running T21: not running Routes: DPC State T6 T10 3905 TFP - running 5669 TFP - running 5921 TFP - running Link SLC: 0 NetMngSLS: 0 State: INSERVICE, UP STD Test: passed Got, sent : Inhibit: Changeover: NO Tx buffer: 0 Tx queue: 0 Retrans pos 0 CO buffer: 0 CB buffer: 0 Last FSN: 5 MTP3timers: Q707_T2(15s) Link SLC: 1 NetMngSLS: 1 State: INSERVICE, UP STD Test: passed Got, sent : Inhibit: Changeover: NO Tx buffer: 0 Tx queue: 0 Retrans pos 0 CO buffer: 0 CB buffer: 0 Last FSN: 7 MTP3timers: Q707_T2(15s) On 12/05/2013 12:38 PM, Attila Domjan wrote: > You should define timers for correct operation, no default values, you > should define timers after the sigchan definitions: > > mtp3_timer.q707_t1 = 4000 > > mtp3_timer.q707_t1 = 4000 > mtp3_timer.q707_t2 = 30000 > > mtp3_timer.t1 = 500 > mtp3_timer.t2 = 700 > mtp3_timer.t3 = 500 > mtp3_timer.t4 = 500 > mtp3_timer.t5 = 500 > mtp3_timer.t6 = 500 > > mtp3_timer.t10 = 60000 > mtp3_timer.t12 = 800 > mtp3_timer.t13 = 800 > mtp3_timer.t14 = 2000 > mtp3_timer.t19 = 67000 > mtp3_timer.t21 = 63000 > > mtp3_timer.t22 = 300000 > mtp3_timer.t23 = 300000 > > isup_timer.t1 = 30000 > isup_timer.t2 = 180000 > isup_timer.t5 = 300000 > isup_timer.t6 = 90000 > isup_timer.t7 = 20000 > > isup_timer.t8 = 10000 > > isup_timer.t12 = 15000 > isup_timer.t13 = 300000 > isup_timer.t14 = 15000 > isup_timer.t15 = 300000 > > isup_timer.t16 = 15000 > isup_timer.t17 = 300000 > isup_timer.t18 = 15000 > isup_timer.t19 = 300000 > isup_timer.t20 = 15000 > isup_timer.t21 = 300000 > > isup_timer.t22 = 15000 > isup_timer.t23 = 300000 > > isup_timer.t27 = 240000 > > isup_timer.t33 = 12000 > isup_timer.t35 = 15000 > isup_timer.digittimeout = 5000 > > > On Thu, 2013-12-05 at 12:34 +0200, peterpet wrote: >> I did not change any of timers. Everithing is by default from your >> patched version. >> >> On 12/05/2013 12:24 PM, Attila Domjan wrote: >>> mtp3, isup timer values in configuration? >>> >>> On Thu, 2013-12-05 at 12:17 +0200, peterpet wrote: >>>> Configuration was checked 1000 times :) >>>> >>>> chan_dahdi: >>>> >>>> [trunkgroups] >>>> >>>> [channels] >>>> language=en >>>> context=from-mtel-mobile >>>> switchtype=euroisdn >>>> signalling=ss7 >>>> group=1 >>>> ss7type = itu >>>> ss7_called_nai=dynamic >>>> ss7_calling_nai=national >>>> ss7_nationalprefix=0 >>>> ss7_internationalprefix=00 >>>> ss7_networkroutedprefix=iwillnotusethisnai >>>> ss7_unknownprefix=iwillnotusethisnai >>>> linkset = 1 >>>> pointcode = 5450 >>>> adjpointcode = 1606 >>>> defaultdpc = 1600 >>>> networkindicator=national >>>> slc=0 >>>> cicbeginswith = 2 >>>> channel = 2-31 >>>> sigchan = 1 >>>> >>>> language=en >>>> context=from-mtel-fix >>>> switchtype=euroisdn >>>> signalling=ss7 >>>> usecallingpres=yes >>>> group=2 >>>> ss7type = itu >>>> ss7_called_nai=dynamic >>>> ss7_calling_nai=national >>>> ss7_nationalprefix=0 >>>> ss7_internationalprefix=00 >>>> ss7_networkroutedprefix=iwillnotusethisnai >>>> ss7_unknownprefix=iwillnotusethisnai >>>> linkset = 1 >>>> pointcode = 5450 >>>> adjpointcode = 1606 >>>> defaultdpc = 1600 >>>> networkindicator=national >>>> slc=1 >>>> cicbeginswith = 3202 >>>> channel = 33-62 >>>> sigchan = 32 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> ss7 show linkset 1 >>>> SS7 flags: 0x0 >>>> SS7 linkset 1 status: Up >>>> SS7 calling nai: 3 >>>> SS7 called nai: -1 >>>> SS7 nationalprefix: 0 >>>> SS7 internationalprefix: 00 >>>> SS7 unknownprefix: iwillnotusethisnai >>>> SS7 networkroutedprefix: iwillnotusethisnai >>>> SS7 subscriberprefix: >>>> Switch type: ITU >>>> Our point code: 5450 >>>> SLS shift: 0 >>>> numlinks: 2 >>>> numsps: 1 >>>> --------------------------------- >>>> Adjecent SP PC: 1606 STATE: UP >>>> TRA: GOT SENT T19: not running T21: not running >>>> Routes: >>>> DPC State T6 T10 >>>> 3905 TFP - - >>>> 5669 TFP - - >>>> 5921 TFP - - >>>> Link SLC: 0 NetMngSLS: 0 >>>> State: INSERVICE, UP >>>> STD Test: passed >>>> Got, sent : >>>> Inhibit: >>>> Changeover: NO >>>> Tx buffer: 0 >>>> Tx queue: 0 >>>> Retrans pos 0 >>>> CO buffer: 0 >>>> CB buffer: 0 >>>> Last FSN: 7 >>>> MTP3timers: >>>> Link SLC: 1 NetMngSLS: 1 >>>> State: INSERVICE, UP >>>> STD Test: passed >>>> Got, sent : >>>> Inhibit: >>>> Changeover: NO >>>> Tx buffer: 0 >>>> Tx queue: 0 >>>> Retrans pos 0 >>>> CO buffer: 0 >>>> CB buffer: 0 >>>> Last FSN: 1 >>>> MTP3timers: >>>> >>>> >>>> After some time >>>> >>>> Changeover completed on link SLC: 0 PC: 1606 FSN: 5 >>>> [Dec 5 12:14:45] WARNING[13364]: chan_dahdi.c:10094 ss7_linkset: MTP2 >>>> link down (SLC 154882928) >>>> [Dec 5 12:14:45] ERROR[13364]: chan_dahdi.c:10935 dahdi_ss7_error: >>>> Adjecent SP PC: 1606 DOWN!!! >>>> [Dec 5 12:14:45] WARNING[13364]: chan_dahdi.c:10094 ss7_linkset: MTP2 >>>> link down (SLC 154888216) >>>> --- SS7 Down --- >>>> [Dec 5 12:14:47] ERROR[13364]: chan_dahdi.c:10935 dahdi_ss7_error: T7 >>>> expired on link SLC: 1 ADJPC: 1606 >>>> MTP2 link up (SLC 154888216) >>>> MTP2 link up (SLC 154882928) >>>> Adjecent SP PC: 1606 UP!!! >>>> LINKSET UP DELAYING RESETTING >>>> --- SS7 Up --- >>>> Resetting CICs 2 to 31 >>>> Resetting CICs 3202 to 3231 >>>> Got reset acknowledgement from CIC 2 to 31 DPC: 1600 >>>> Got reset acknowledgement from CIC 3202 to 3231 DPC: 1600 >>>> >>>> >>>> On 12/05/2013 12:04 PM, Attila Domjan wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hi, check the configuration, SLC -1214249800 is interesting.... >>>>> >>>>> >>>>>> [Dec 4 16:11:02] WARNING[7511]: chan_dahdi.c:10094 ss7_linkset: MTP2 >>>>>> link down (SLC -1214249800) >>>>>> Changeover completed on link SLC: 0 PC: 1606 FSN: 6 >>>>>> [Dec 4 16:11:02] ERROR[7511]: chan_dahdi.c:10935 dahdi_ss7_error: >>>>>> Adjecent SP PC: 1606 DOWN!!! >>>>>> [Dec 4 16:11:02] WARNING[7511]: chan_dahdi.c:10094 ss7_linkset: MTP2 >>>>>> link down (SLC 166448424) >>>>>> --- SS7 Down --- >>>>>> [Dec 4 16:11:03] ERROR[7511]: chan_dahdi.c:10935 dahdi_ss7_error: T7 >>>>>> expired on link SLC: 1 ADJPC: 1606 >>>>>> MTP2 link up (SLC 166448424) >>>>>> Adjecent SP PC: 1606 UP!!! >>>>>> LINKSET UP DELAYING RESETTING >>>>>> --- SS7 Up --- >>>>>> Resetting CICs 2 to 31 >>>>>> Resetting CICs 3202 to 3231 >>>>>> Got reset acknowledgement from CIC 2 to 31 DPC: 1600 >>>>>> Got reset acknowledgement from CIC 3202 to 3231 DPC: 1600 >>>>>> MTP2 link up (SLC -1214249800) >>>>>> Changeback started on link SLC 0 PC 1606 >>>>>> Changeback completed on link SLC: 0 PC: 1606 >>>>>> >>>>>> Thanks in advanced. >>>>>> >>>>>> Regards, >>>>>> Peter >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >> > >
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