yes, please refer this: use the command: ss7 dump start <file> [in|out|both] [fisu] [lssu] [msu]This starts the chan_ss7 module producing a PCAP dump of the data sentand/or received on the SS7 link. Format is suitable for display inwireshark Wireshark,which understands the SS7 protocols natively. The dump contains eachMTP2 packet excluding the flags, so the first byte is the BSN and thelast two bytes are the CRC checksum (though the CRC is currentlymissing for packets sent). Flags and bits that do not validate ascorrect signalling units are not dumped. Parameters are the name of thefile to dump to; which directions to dump (incoming, outgoing, or both,default both); and which type of signalling units to dump (defaultall). ss7 dump stop [in|out|both] Stop dumping to file. and use wireshark to get what you need, refer this: Best regards, James.zhu Doing asterisk/PRI/ss7/dahdi, linux, asterisk cards, gateway(fxs/fxo/pri<->SIP). website: > Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 14:28:27 +0300 > From: n.tsanov at > To: asterisk-ss7 at > Subject: [asterisk-ss7] libss7 debug output to cap/pcap > > Hello, > > Is it possible to save the output of "ss7 debug linkset x" command to pcap/cap > file which can be analyzed in wireshark? > > Best Regards, > > Nikolay Tsanov > > > ------------------------------------------------------------ > ???? ?? ???? email ? .bg, ??? ?? ? > ????? ???? ??? email ? ????. > > > > -- > _____________________________________________________________________ > -- Bandwidth and Colocation Provided by -- > > asterisk-ss7 mailing list > To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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