Hi! I have problem with ss7 link. Not in up mode. * + DAHDI 2.2.1/2.2.1 + libSS7 1.0.1 + Digium TE121 <--> NEC NEAX 2000IPS ------------------ /etc/dahdi/system.conf: span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 bchan=1-15 mtp2=16 echocanceller=mg2,1-15 loadzone = us defaultzone = us ------------------ Description Alarms IRQ bpviol CRC4 Fra Codi Options LBO Wildcard TE121 Card 0 OK 8 0 0 CCS HDB3 CRC4 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1) ------------------ dahdi show channels: 1 from-pstn us default In Service ... 15 from-pstn us default In Service ------------------- ss7 show linkset 1: SS7 linkset 1 status: Down ------------------- chan_dahdi.conf: [channels] ; ss7 linkset = 1 group = 0 signalling = ss7 ss7type = itu networkindicator = national ss7_called_nai = dynamic ss7_calling_nai = dynamic pointcode = 66 adjpointcode = 2 defaultdpc = 2 context = from-pstn cicbeginswith = 1 channel = 1-15 sigchan = 16 --------------------- ss7linktest: Link state change: IDLE -> NOTALIGNED Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 00 ] FSN: 127 FIB 1 BSN: 127 BIB 1 >[0] LSSU SIO Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 02 ] FSN: 127 FIB 1 BSN: 127 BIB 1 <[0] LSSU SIE Link state change: NOTALIGNED -> PROVING Len = 3 [ ff ff 00 ] FSN: 127 FIB 1 BSN: 127 BIB 1 <[0] FISU Link state change: PROVING -> ALIGNEDREADY Len = 10 [ ff 80 07 84 42 80 00 10 00 77 ] FSN: 0 FIB 1 BSN: 127 BIB 1 <[0] MSU [ ff 80 07 ] Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: Unknown (4) [ 84 ] OPC 2 DPC 66 SLS 1 [ 42 80 00 10 ] Link state change: ALIGNEDREADY -> INSERVICE Unable to process message destined for userpart 4; dropping message [0] MTP2 link up Len = 9 [ 80 80 06 80 02 80 10 00 17 ] FSN: 0 FIB 1 BSN: 0 BIB 1 >[0] MSU [ 80 80 06 ] Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: NET_MNG (0) [ 80 ] OPC 66 DPC 2 SLS 0 [ 02 80 10 00 ] H0: 7 H1: 1 Message type: TRA [ 17 ] Len = 20 [ 80 81 11 81 02 80 10 00 11 a0 32 35 36 34 32 38 36 32 38 38 ] FSN: 1 FIB 1 BSN: 0 BIB 1 >[0] MSU [ 80 81 11 ] Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: STD_TEST (1) [ 81 ] OPC 66 DPC 2 SLS 0 [ 02 80 10 00 ] H0: 1 H1: 1 [ 11 ] Len = 10 [ 81 81 07 84 42 80 00 40 00 77 ] FSN: 1 FIB 1 BSN: 1 BIB 1 <[0] MSU [ 81 81 07 ] Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: Unknown (4) [ 84 ] OPC 2 DPC 66 SLS 4 [ 42 80 00 40 ] Unable to process message destined for userpart 4; dropping message ... ... HDLC Abort! Len = 10 [ 81 8e 07 84 42 80 00 f0 00 77 ] FSN: 14 FIB 1 BSN: 1 BIB 1 <[0] MSU [ 81 8e 07 ] Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: Unknown (4) [ 84 ] OPC 2 DPC 66 SLS 15 [ 42 80 00 f0 ] Unable to process message destined for userpart 4; dropping message ------------------- ... and linkset is not up. Where is problems? And what is the last 2 messages from MSU ? Help me please!
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