On 2/24/10 5:30 PM, peterpet wrote: > > Yes, its possible. > > Could you provide an example? Are you supposed to use same linkset for both spans? I'm getting something like this when the linksets are the same: MTP2 link up (SLC 0) MTP2 link up (SLC 1) --- SS7 Up --- Resetting CICs 1 to 15 Resetting CICs 17 to 31 Resetting CICs 63 to 77 Resetting CICs 79 to 93 [Feb 24 17:41:55] ERROR[4988]: chan_dahdi.c:10349 dahdi_ss7_error: Received message destined for point code 0x1 but we're 0x2. Dropping [Feb 24 17:41:55] ERROR[4988]: chan_dahdi.c:10349 dahdi_ss7_error: Received message destined for point code 0x1 but we're 0x2. Dropping [Feb 24 17:41:55] ERROR[4988]: chan_dahdi.c:10349 dahdi_ss7_error: Received message destined for point code 0x1 but we're 0x2. Dropping [Feb 24 17:41:55] ERROR[4988]: chan_dahdi.c:10349 dahdi_ss7_error: Received message destined for point code 0x1 but we're 0x2. Dropping Got reset acknowledgement from CIC 1 to 15. Got reset acknowledgement from CIC 17 to 31. and this if they're different: MTP2 link up (SLC 0) MTP2 link up (SLC 0) --- SS7 Up --- --- SS7 Up --- Resetting CICs 63 to 77 Resetting CICs 1 to 15 Resetting CICs 79 to 93 Resetting CICs 17 to 31 [Feb 24 17:42:31] WARNING[5024]: chan_dahdi.c:9974 ss7_linkset: GRS on unconfigured CIC 63 [Feb 24 17:42:31] WARNING[5025]: chan_dahdi.c:9974 ss7_linkset: GRS on unconfigured CIC 1 [Feb 24 17:42:31] WARNING[5025]: chan_dahdi.c:9974 ss7_linkset: GRS on unconfigured CIC 17 [Feb 24 17:42:31] WARNING[5024]: chan_dahdi.c:9974 ss7_linkset: GRS on unconfigured CIC 79 Here is my chan_dahdi.conf: ------------ [trunkgroups] [channels] language=en context=ss7 switchtype=euroisdn signalling=ss7 toneduration=100 usecallerid=yes callwaiting=yes usecallingpres=yes callwaitingcallerid=yes threewaycalling=yes transfer=yes canpark=yes cancallforward=yes callreturn=yes echocancel=yes ss7type = itu ss7_called_nai=dynamic ss7_calling_nai=dynamic networkindicator=national ss7_internationalprefix = 00 ss7_nationalprefix = 0 ss7_subscriberprefix = ss7_unknownprefix = ; span 1 group = 1 callgroup = 1 pickupgroup = 1 linkset = 1 pointcode = 1 adjpointcode = 2 defaultdpc = 2 sigchan = 16 cicbeginswith = 1 channel = 1-15 cicbeginswith = 17 channel = 17-31 ; span 3 group = 2 callgroup = 2 pickupgroup = 2 linkset = 2 pointcode = 2 adjpointcode = 1 defaultdpc = 1 sigchan = 78 cicbeginswith = 63 channel = 63-77 cicbeginswith = 79 channel = 79-93 ------------ dahdi-channels.conf: ------------ group = 0,11 context = from-pstn switchtype = euroisdn signalling = ss7 channel => 1-15,17-31 context = ss7 group = 63 ;group = 0,12 ;context = from-pstn ;switchtype = euroisdn ;signalling = ss7 ;channel => 32-62 ;context = ss7 ;group = 63 group = 1,13 context = from-pstn switchtype = euroisdn signalling = ss7 channel => 63-77,79-93 context = ss7 group = 33 ;group = 0,14 ;context = from-pstn ;switchtype = euroisdn ;signalling = ss7 ;channel => 94-124 ;context = ss7 ;group = 63 -------- /etc/dahdi/system.conf: ------- span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3 bchan=1-15,17-31 mtp2=16 #dchan=16 echocanceller=mg2,1-15,17-31 span=3,1,0,ccs,hdb3 bchan=63-77,79-93 mtp2=78 #dchan=78 echocanceller=mg2,63-77,79-93 loadzone = us defaultzone = us -----
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