Hi all, anyone have experience with this problem for redirecting number : [Feb 18 10:29:05] NOTICE[10391]: l4isup.c:1955 isup_send_iam: Invalid format for phonenumber ''. [Feb 18 10:29:05] WARNING[10391]: l4isup.c:2065 ss7_call: SS7 call failed, addr= CIC=74. linkset 'siuc' this case for 5ESS, for EWSD it's ok and normal. My friend at telco said they sent complete digits. Best Regards, thx, -yoherman- ============================================== Flexi ngROOMpi : Ngobrol bareng teman pake flexi ngROOMpi kapan aja, dari mana aja se-Indonesia Rp 49/Menit. Caranya: call *55*nomor-room ( nomor room 1 s/d 9999 ). Flexi Chatting : Buat yg suka Chatting, dapatkan HP Chatting Cuma Rp 299rb bisa YM, GTalk, Flexi Messenger sepuasnya Rp 2000/Mg & akses Facebook / Twitter masing2 Rp 1000/Mg. ============================================== This Email Has been Scanned by Anti Virus ==============================================