- MGCP (the media gateway protocol) - SCTP stack available from the lksctp on sourceforge - Seem to find some M3UA work also done in Asterisks What do I need to put all these together, while I complete the other development requirements? I will appreciate any advise in this regard. Thank you. Olu. --001636c5b0eec8784004679ab68e Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <div>Has anyone experience=A0connecting Asterisks to an Ericsson Soft Switc= h (MSS) over IP?</div> <div>=A0</div> <div>I am currently reviewing the possibility of this.</div> <div>=A0</div> <div>The stated requirement for the connectivity are as follows: </div> <div>=A0</div> <div>1. IPBCP/BICC/M3UA/SCTP/IP required to setup the IP Bearer connectivit= y path. IPBCP is used for the exchange of media stream characteristics, por= t numbers and IP addresses of the source and sink of a media stream to esta= blish the IP bearers</div> <div><br>2. The Media traffic are tunneled via GCP (Gateway Control Protoco= l)</div> <div>=A0</div> <div>From my analysis, Most of the requirements are available,<br>- MGCP (t= he media gateway protocol)<br>- SCTP stack available from the lksctp on sou= rceforge<br>- Seem to find some M3UA work also done in Asterisks</div> <div>=A0</div> <div>What do I need to put all these together, while I complete the other d= evelopment requirements?</div> <div>=A0</div> <div>I will appreciate any advise in this regard.</div> <div>=A0</div> <div>Thank you.</div> <div>=A0</div> <div>Olu.</div> --001636c5b0eec8784004679ab68e--