The trunk is from my version :) -- eredeti ?zenet -- T?rgy: [asterisk-ss7] A question about Domjan's libss7 Felad?: "tian" <tian00di00 at> D?tum: 2009.08.02. 07:10 Hi, guys! I got Domjan's version of libss7 and looked through it's code, it seems that Domjan's version is a mixture of the original libss7 branch and trunk (possibly with some modifications). I tried the libss7 test programs. Unfortunately, when I issued the command './ss7test socketpair' a segmentation fault occurred (the segmentation fault does not occurr with the original libss7 branch version). As I don't have the necessary hardware to set up a running Asterisk box, I hope someone who is running Domjan's version will kindly give me some information. Most probable, Domjan's version is operational, but I do hope someone will confirm it to me. What should I do to modify the test program to solve the segmentation fault problem? Thanks ahead and I really appreciate your attentation! Tian _______________________________________________ --Bandwidth and Colocation Provided by asterisk-ss7 mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
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