> 1th: try my libss7/chan dahdi branch > 2nd: define and use prefixes to set nai not work correctly ... Len = 14 [ 81 83 0b 85 43 9c 00 17 11 00 17 01 01 0e ] FSN: 3 FIB 1 BSN: 1 BIB 1how d <[0] MSU [ 81 83 0b ] Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP (5) [ 85 ] OPC 7170 DPC 7235 SLS 1 [ 43 9c 00 17 ] CIC: 17 [ 11 00 ] Message Type: GRS [ 17 ] --VARIABLE LENGTH PARMS[1]-- Range and status: Range: 14 [ 01 0e ] [Apr 3 04:41:02] ERROR[22756]: chan_dahdi.c:10807 dahdi_ss7_error: Got ISUP message on link while MTP3 state is not UP! Z powazaniem Bartosz Supczinski Koordynator DIR Konstytucji 3 Maja 2 86-300 Grudziadz POLAND www.dir.pl t.: +48 (56) 6440120 f.: +48 (56) 6440020 m.: +48 (504) 019040