Hello! Just interested, if anyone have/had a similar problem with Sangoma A108 card. When I use ALL 8 ports on it - I loose signalling on all plugged ports (chan_ss7) - if I use up to 7 ports - it's OK. Use of TDM ports - regardles of signalling - it could be PRI or SS7 - I do plug 8th port and voila, signalling on all ports is lost, all ports shows on the "ss7 link status" - Proving, Down but not coming to IN SERVICE, when I unplug - I mediatelly getting my sigchans back. looks like hardware problem with internal card's cpu power or something like that, so it does not reliably transfer all of the timeslots to the asterisk. I did not notice that before, since I have a several cards in single system, and did not used all of the ports on any single A108 card in the system before.