libss7 A-link to STP failing

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I am trying to get a stable A-Link to a STP using libss7, for some reason though when the STP sends a second SLTM I get a long stream of error messages followed by strange MSU that does not show up on my SS7 protocol analyzer.  Has anyone else seen this?

Got message smaller than the minimum SS7 SU length.  Dropping
Got message smaller than the minimum SS7 SU length.  Dropping
Got message smaller than the minimum SS7 SU length.  Dropping
Len = 21 [ 82 01 03 1c 5f 81 82 01 03 1c 5f 81 82 01 03 1c 5f 81 82 01 03 ]
FSN: 1 FIB 0
BSN: 2 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ 82 01 03 ]
        Network Indicator: 0 Priority: 1 User Part: Unknown (12)
        [ 1c ]
        OPC 28-3-1 DPC 130-129-95 SLS 95
        [ 5f 81 82 01 03 1c 5f ]

<Config information>

Link is setup to be an A-link to a STP.

*CLI> core show version
Asterisk SVN-trunk-r91077 built by root @ astpbx01 on a i686 running Linux on 2007-12-05 19:41:34 UTC

wct4xxp has been set with the 56k setting
base.c:static int hardhdlcmode = 0x7f;

(In Zaptel.conf)

(In Zapata.conf)
signalling = ss7
ss7type = ansi
linkset = 1
pointcode = 206-151-121
adjpointcode = 206-004-000
defaultdpc = 206-151-007
;cicbeginswith = 1001
;channel= 25-48
sigchan = 1

<SS7 Debug information>

*CLI> ss7 debug linkset 1
Enabled debugging on linkset 1
*CLI> Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 00 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1

Link state change: NOTALIGNED -> IDLE
Link state change: IDLE -> NOTALIGNED
Len = 5 [ ff ff 02 00 00 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1

Link state change: NOTALIGNED -> ALIGNED
Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 02 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1

Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 02 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1

Link state change: ALIGNED -> PROVING
T4 expired!
Link state change: PROVING -> ALIGNEDREADY
Len = 3 [ ff ff 00 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1
>[0] FISU

Len = 3 [ ff ff 00 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1
<[0] FISU

Link state change: ALIGNEDREADY -> INSERVICE
Len = 23 [ ff 80 14 b2 00 04 ce 79 97 ce 00 11 a0 32 35 36 34 32 38 36 32 38 38 ]
FSN: 0 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ ff 80 14 ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 3 User Part: SPEC_TEST (2)
        [ b2 ]
        OPC 206-151-121 DPC 206-4-0 SLS 0
        [ 00 04 ce 79 97 ce 00 ]
        H0: 1 H1: 1
        [ 11 ]

Len = 23 [ 80 80 14 b2 79 97 ce 00 04 ce 00 21 a0 32 35 36 34 32 38 36 32 38 38 ]
FSN: 0 FIB 1
BSN: 0 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ 80 80 14 ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 3 User Part: SPEC_TEST (2)
        [ b2 ]
        OPC 206-4-0 DPC 206-151-121 SLS 0
        [ 79 97 ce 00 04 ce 00 ]
        H0: 1 H1: 2
        [ 21 ]

Len = 17 [ 80 81 0e b2 79 97 ce 00 04 ce 00 11 40 aa bb cc dd ]
FSN: 1 FIB 1
BSN: 0 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ 80 81 0e ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 3 User Part: SPEC_TEST (2)
        [ b2 ]
        OPC 206-4-0 DPC 206-151-121 SLS 0
        [ 79 97 ce 00 04 ce 00 ]
        H0: 1 H1: 1
        [ 11 ]

Len = 17 [ 81 81 0e b2 00 04 ce 79 97 ce 00 21 40 aa bb cc dd ]
FSN: 1 FIB 1
BSN: 1 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ 81 81 0e ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 3 User Part: SPEC_TEST (2)
        [ b2 ]
        OPC 206-151-121 DPC 206-4-0 SLS 0
        [ 00 04 ce 79 97 ce 00 ]
        H0: 1 H1: 2
        [ 21 ]

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Got message smaller than the minimum SS7 SU length.  Dropping
Got message smaller than the minimum SS7 SU length.  Dropping
Got message smaller than the minimum SS7 SU length.  Dropping
Len = 21 [ 82 01 03 1c 5f 81 82 01 03 1c 5f 81 82 01 03 1c 5f 81 82 01 03 ]
FSN: 1 FIB 0
BSN: 2 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ 82 01 03 ]
        Network Indicator: 0 Priority: 1 User Part: Unknown (12)
        [ 1c ]
        OPC 28-3-1 DPC 130-129-95 SLS 95
        [ 5f 81 82 01 03 1c 5f ]

MSU received, though still waiting for retransmission start.  Dropping.
Len = 4 [ 81 82 01 03 ]
FSN: 2 FIB 1
BSN: 1 BIB 1

Link state change: INSERVICE -> IDLE
Link state change: IDLE -> NOTALIGNED
Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 00 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1

Len = 3 [ 82 01 03 ]
FSN: 1 FIB 0
BSN: 2 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ 82 01 03 ]
        Network Indicator: 0 Priority: 1 User Part: Unknown (12)
        [ 1c ]
        OPC 28-3-1 DPC 130-95-95 SLS 95
        [ 5f 5f 82 01 03 1c 5f ]

[Dec  6 12:54:00] ERROR[8141]: chan_zap.c:9346 zt_ss7_error: Received MSU in invalid state 1
Len = 5 [ ff ff 02 00 00 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1

Link state change: NOTALIGNED -> ALIGNED
Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 02 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1

Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 02 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1

Link state change: ALIGNED -> PROVING
T4 expired!

Link state change: PROVING -> ALIGNEDREADY
Len = 3 [ ff ff 00 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1
>[0] FISU

Len = 3 [ ff ff 00 ]
FSN: 127 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1
<[0] FISU

Link state change: ALIGNEDREADY -> INSERVICE
Len = 23 [ ff 80 14 b2 00 04 ce 79 97 ce 00 11 a0 32 35 36 34 32 38 36 32 38 38 ]
FSN: 0 FIB 1
BSN: 127 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ ff 80 14 ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 3 User Part: SPEC_TEST (2)
        [ b2 ]
        OPC 206-151-121 DPC 206-4-0 SLS 0
        [ 00 04 ce 79 97 ce 00 ]
        H0: 1 H1: 1
        [ 11 ]

Len = 23 [ 80 80 14 b2 79 97 ce 00 04 ce 00 21 a0 32 35 36 34 32 38 36 32 38 38 ]
FSN: 0 FIB 1
BSN: 0 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ 80 80 14 ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 3 User Part: SPEC_TEST (2)
        [ b2 ]
        OPC 206-4-0 DPC 206-151-121 SLS 0
        [ 79 97 ce 00 04 ce 00 ]
        H0: 1 H1: 2
        [ 21 ]

Len = 17 [ 80 81 0e b2 79 97 ce 00 04 ce 00 11 40 aa bb cc dd ]
FSN: 1 FIB 1
BSN: 0 BIB 1
<[0] MSU
[ 80 81 0e ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 3 User Part: SPEC_TEST (2)
        [ b2 ]
        OPC 206-4-0 DPC 206-151-121 SLS 0
        [ 79 97 ce 00 04 ce 00 ]
        H0: 1 H1: 1
        [ 11 ]

Len = 17 [ 81 81 0e b2 00 04 ce 79 97 ce 00 21 40 aa bb cc dd ]
FSN: 1 FIB 1
BSN: 1 BIB 1
>[0] MSU
[ 81 81 0e ]
        Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 3 User Part: SPEC_TEST (2)
        [ b2 ]
        OPC 206-151-121 DPC 206-4-0 SLS 0
        [ 00 04 ce 79 97 ce 00 ]
        H0: 1 H1: 2
        [ 21 ]

Got message smaller than the minimum SS7 SU length.  Dropping

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