Matthew, Made a testbed as of TESTPC < -- > PC_CHAN_SS7 < -- 4xe1 -- > PC_LIBSS7 So PC_CHAN_SS7 is test1 in logs below and PC_LIBSS7 is test2 Testpc generates huge load by placing call files to the /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing and connecting local extension which plays "hello world" va SIP to PC_CHAN_SS7 which than places an SS7 call to PC_LIBSS7. TESTPC also records all of the placed calls by Monitor() for further manual (audial) analysis . LIBSS7 initially working and there is both-way audio in all CIC. After a few minutes of the loaded operation it fails signalling (chan_ss7 PC shows that it looses connection) but even if I stop asterisk on PC_CHAN_SS7 - the libss7 keeps thinking that there is connection. Restart or any manipulations on PC_CHAN_SS7 brings no result and to restore the link asterisk on PC_LIBSS7 must be restarted. ... Zap/96-1 160@incoming:3 Up Echo() Zap/98-1 160@incoming:3 Up Echo() Zap/100-1 160@incoming:3 Up Echo() Zap/102-1 160@incoming:3 Up Echo() Zap/103-1 160@incoming:3 Up Echo() Zap/104-1 160@incoming:3 Up Echo() Zap/105-1 160@incoming:3 Up Echo() Zap/113-1 160@incoming:3 Up Echo() Zap/114-1 160@incoming:3 Up Echo() 93 active channels 95 active calls test2*CLI> test2*CLI> ss7 show linkset 1 SS7 linkset 1 status: Up test2*CLI> test1*CLI> ss7 link status linkset test2, link l1, schannel 16, NOT_ALIGNED, rx: 0, tx: 0/4, sentseq/lastack: 127/127, total 76720, 76784 test1*CLI> test1*CLI> core show channels Channel Location State Application(Data) 0 active channels 0 active calls test1*CLI>