While testing my brand new SS7 NGN switch with libss7, I noticed ss7linktest sendind bad dpc for a CGUA message. The reason is isup_send_cicgroupmessage in isup.c, not setting call.dpc. So all is needed is adding: call.dpc = dpc; on line 1276 of isup.c, function isup_send_cicgroupmessage, And ss7linktest moves forward. I got the code with: svn co http://svn.digium.com/svn/libss7/trunk libss7 Please let me know if I got code from the wrong place. -- Regards Marcelo Pacheco Diretor de Tecnologia e Sistemas - FaleVOIP Telecom Com: (27)2127-9791 Cel: (27)9945-3993 Fax: (27)2127-9799 E-mail: marcelo@xxxxxxxxxxxx MSN: marcelo@xxxxxxxxxxxx / marcelo@xxxxxxxxxxx Site: www.falevoip.net