Hello @sifira, I guess my questions are of interest to more folks, so I ask it on the mailinglist. When will chan_ss7 be working with trunk/what needs to be changed to make it work with trunk. It is IMHO rather important to make it work with trunk, as it will become asterisk 1.4 which will be released in the next moth. The next question is, when a new version of chan_ss7 (0.8.4?) will finaly be released that fixes all problems that right now are only implented patches. And finaly I would like to know, if sifira considered merging chan_ss7 into the asterisk project. That way there woulnd't be the problem of incompatibilities when new asterisk versions are released and the development of new features for chan_ss7 will be easier for developers other than the folks at sifira. As chan_ss7 is already GPLd it would only be needed to be disclaimed by sifira. Best regards, Kai -- Kai Militzer WESTEND GmbH | Internet-Business-Provider Technik CISCO Systems Partner - Authorized Reseller L?tticher Stra?e 10 Tel 0241/701333-14 km@xxxxxxxxxxx D-52064 Aachen Fax 0241/911879