Just a little additional analysis - that happens concequently on different CIC - could that be a kind of missyncronization? On 8 April 2006 19:43, you wrote: > Hi! > > Did anyone resolved the issue of unability to write to > zaptel FD? It's still an issue. My latest LIVE test > showed that it happens with any codecs, when asterisk > call another asterisk with g711 the only requirements - > that there must be several on-going live calls. And as > more calls is on - that happens more and more often. > Audialy that heared as ticks in the sound. I do use > Sangoma A102 card. > > Apr 8 19:39:38 NOTICE[21974]: chan_ss7.c:1884 ss7_write: > Write buffer full on CIC=29 (wrote only 0 of 160), audio > lost. Apr 8 19:39:38 NOTICE[22014]: chan_ss7.c:1884 > ss7_write: Write buffer full on CIC=11 (wrote only 0 of > 160), audio lost.