The Asterisk Development Team has announced the release of Asterisk 13.15.0-rc1. This release is available for immediate download at The release of Asterisk 13.15.0-rc1 resolves several issues reported by the community and would have not been possible without your participation. Thank you! The following are the issues resolved in this release: New Features made in this release: ----------------------------------- * ASTERISK-26878 - func_channel: Add ability to get the callid so dialplan has access to it. (Reported by Richard Mudgett) * ASTERISK-26863 - res_pjsip: Add endpoint identification scheme based on a configured SIP header/value (Reported by Matt Jordan) * ASTERISK-17428 - [patch] Allow "Comedian Mail" branding to be removed (Reported by John Covert) Bugs fixed in this release: ----------------------------------- * ASTERISK-26850 - res_hep_pjsip: Asterisk insert wrong protocol name in "Protocol ID" field in HEP packets (Reported by Max Norba) * ASTERISK-26484 - res_pjsip_messaging: Crash when using invalid URI in MessageSend 'from' argument. (Reported by Vinod Dharashive) * ASTERISK-26776 - res_pjsip_pubsub: Crash when generating xpidf content (Reported by Andrew Green) * ASTERISK-26880 - Asterisk crashes when multiple speex users join confbridge with pp_vad and dtx enabled (Reported by Kirsty Tyerman) * ASTERISK-26862 - app_queue: Queue stops calling members with local interface after forwarding in previous call (Reported by Robert Mordec) * ASTERISK-26732 - res_rtp_asterisk: Implement RTCP Multiplexing - breaking WebRTC in Chrome (Reported by Dan Jenkins) * ASTERISK-26879 - PJSIP external_media_address ignored if no local_net options are provided (Reported by Matt Jordan) * ASTERISK-26851 - res_pjsip_sdp_rtp: RTP instance does not use same IP as explicit transport (Reported by Richard Begg) * ASTERISK-26867 - autochan: Locking in a function ast_autochan_destroy() on destroyed channel (after masquerade). (Reported by Krzysztof Trempala) * ASTERISK-26869 - res_pjsip_refer: blind call transfer w/o a user name doesn't go to the s extension (Reported by Torrey Searle) * ASTERISK-26668 - core: Malformed pattern matching extension (various factors) results in crash (Reported by xrobau) * ASTERISK-26865 - chan_iax2: Reload of iax peer results in loss of host address/port (Reported by Richard Begg) * ASTERISK-26872 - Bundled pjproject fails to build when tarball downloaded with curl due to md5 verification failure in Docker containers (or when there is no terminal) (Reported by Matt Jordan) * ASTERISK-26717 - Document the fact that Asterisk HEP support only works with the PJSIP channel driver (Reported by Olivier Krief) * ASTERISK-26643 - Extra new line in Device field of DeviceStateChange AMI Event after restart of Asterisk (Reported by Roman Bedros) * ASTERISK-25237 - stasis_cache.c:845 caching_topic_exec: - misleading ERROR message (Reported by Smirnov Aleksey) * ASTERISK-26857 - chan_pjsip: Dialplan function race condition (Reported by Joshua Colp) * ASTERISK-26841 - chan_sip: Call not cancelled after receiving a 422 response (Reported by Jean Aunis - Prescom) * ASTERISK-26822 - pjsip/cli_commands: pjsip show channelstats shows wrong codec (Reported by Kevin Harwell) * ASTERISK-26685 - res_pjsip: Crash when using IPv6 and Transport ws,wss (Reported by Michael Balen) * ASTERISK-24562 - app_voicemail: Cannot set fromstring on a per-mailbox basis (Reported by Mark Scholten) * ASTERISK-26598 - Saynumber is trying to get "and" from "digits/" subfolder (Reported by Jonathan Harris) * ASTERISK-17067 - Long lines in call files cause spurious syntax error (Reported by Dave Olszewski) * ASTERISK-26796 - res_pjsip_transport_websocket: Via header is 'WS' when it should be 'WSS' (Reported by Jørgen H) * ASTERISK-25628 - res_config_pgsql: should match the behavior of other drivers so that queue_log can disable adaptive logging (Reported by Dmitry Wagin) * ASTERISK-26825 - pjsip.conf.sample: user_agent: still refers to branch 12 (Reported by Tzafrir Cohen) * ASTERISK-26823 - PJSIP: Persistent subscriptions can cause FRACKs if endpoint does not exist (Reported by Mark Michelson) * ASTERISK-26623 - res_pjsip: Crash when calling PJSIPShowEndpoint (Reported by Jørgen H) * ASTERISK-26808 - res_pjsip_outbound_registration doesn't know about network change events (Reported by George Joseph) * ASTERISK-26313 - chan_sip : Asterisk restart seems to be required for changing encryption option (Reported by benasse) * ASTERISK-26705 - not found when asterisk is installed for the 1st time (Reported by George Joseph) * ASTERISK-26781 - bridge: Passing the 'p' (play tone) flag to Bridge() application results in garbled audio (Reported by Sean Bright) * ASTERISK-26782 - res_pjsip: URI requirement for fields is not consistently documented and error does not provide indication (Reported by Peter Sokolov) * ASTERISK-26812 - [patch] Fix download_externals To Allow The Use Of curl Or wget (Reported by Michael L. Young) * ASTERISK-18271 - Pattern matching with res_config_mysql extensions does not behave as expected (Reported by Charlie Smurthwaite) * ASTERISK-26669 - PJSIP Segfault 13.13.1 (Bundled PJSIP) (Reported by Nic Colledge) * ASTERISK-18731 - [patch] DUNDi weight parameter not processed correctly (Reported by Peter Racz) * ASTERISK-26580 - [patch] Error during LDAP modify action when user unregisters (Reported by Nicholas John Koch) * ASTERISK-26799 - res_pjsip: Using an auth object for inbound and outbound authentication fails. (Reported by Richard Mudgett) * ASTERISK-26738 - Frequent segfaults since activation of DNS SRV, in pjsip_auth_clt_reinit_req at /pjsip/sip_auth_client.c, and pj_atomic_inc_and_get at pj/os_core_unix.c (Reported by Michael Maier) * ASTERISK-25893 - Function vmauthenticate accesses uninitialized memory (Reported by Filip Jenicek) * ASTERISK-26802 - [patch] Integrity Check Of PJSIP Download Fails (Reported by Michael L. Young) * ASTERISK-15858 - [patch] Fix query with double backslash in string literals and stop log warnings (Reported by Humberto Figuera) * ASTERISK-26057 - res_config_sqlite3 uses incorrect query - unnecessary escape (Reported by Stepan) * ASTERISK-23457 - SQlite3: Realtime queue loading fails after PRAGMA query result (Reported by Scott Griepentrog) * ASTERISK-26794 - http: Crash on Reload Only in ast_tcptls_server_start (Reported by Joshua Elson) * ASTERISK-26714 - Phone default have not ringing on ARM (Reported by Igor Goncharovsky) * ASTERISK-26696 - pjsip_pubsub: PJSIP Subscription Persistence in AstDB Does not update on subscription refresh (Reported by Zach R) * ASTERISK-26756 - res_pjsip_mwi: Asterisk does not terminate MWI subscription (Reported by Carl Fortin) * ASTERISK-26109 - Asterisk fails building with OpenSSL 1.1.0 (Reported by Tzafrir Cohen) * ASTERISK-26723 - VoiceMailPlayMsg not playing messages via realtime (Reported by Ryan Rittgarn) * ASTERISK-18286 - [patch] 'Silence' is truncated in Record() (Reported by var) * ASTERISK-26248 - chan_pjsip: Error when calling PJSIP client with domain specified (Reported by Norbert Varga) * ASTERISK-26788 - core: Protect flags during ast_waitfor (Reported by Joshua Colp) * ASTERISK-26115 - pbx: AMI Originate ignore "failed" extension on call failure (Reported by Nasir Iqbal) * ASTERISK-26785 - configs/samples: The 'identify' entry is in the wrong section in sorcery.conf.sample (Reported by Torrey Searle) * ASTERISK-26772 - Crash in srv.c on startup with pjsip (Reported by nappsoft) * ASTERISK-26770 - res_stasis_device_state: Duplicate subscriptions when multiple received at same time (Reported by Joshua Colp) Improvements made in this release: ----------------------------------- * ASTERISK-26864 - res_pjsip_session: Add support for overlap dialling (Reported by Richard Begg) * ASTERISK-26846 - chan_sip: Add rtcp-mux support (Reported by Sean Bright) For a full list of changes in this release, please see the ChangeLog: Thank you for your continued support of Asterisk!
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