Re: Mail server

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On 11/4/24 15:50, Polarian wrote:
Just a note,

If this is being done on residential broadband then good luck, its very
unlikely to work.

A large number of ISPs block/filter port 25 (which is used to relay
emails) to "protect against spam". Not to mention the horrific IP
reputations which most email servers will just bounce.

Unless the mail server is only being used for internal traffic it is
very unlikely to work, there is a reason its uncommon to see self
hosted emails, and the majority of people which do have their own email
tends to use a relay or point their mx record at a major email provider.

It is possible, for example my email is self hosted, but its a whole
can of worms to open.

It sounds like you are trying to host your own email server and get
whatever is to forward emails to it? However I am not too

Take care,

Not al all. I am fetching mail for six different accounts using fetchmail to deliver the mail to a single account on dovecot imap server (local). I then want to be able to respond/reply to mails by using smart host to ( will require six sign ons to

I had a similar setup a long time ago using arch on an old i686 computer. I want to do the same but using a rpi 4.

It will not be a general mail server or hosting email to the internet.

I am blocking all email from any internet machine only allowing fetchmail to retrieve mail from I fact I block all outside connections from the internet. The rpi 4 sits behind a a router that nats ipv4 and only allows out going connections. I am using nftables to firewall the rpi 4, which allows only local traffic (out going is allowed, DNS searches, pacman etc. limited outbound traffic).

My plan is to get opensmtpd working first and then add dovecot into the mix.

I already have dovecot on a rpi 4 locally, running debian. I want to go to using archlinux exclusively.

This rpi 4 running archlinux has NFS and DNS currently running. It is a "home" file server. I want to set up the email service as archival on this rpi 4.

My next project is an archlinux desktop on a rpi 5.

I am looking to start this project no later than first of next week.

I have scratch built operating systems for rpi 2,3 and 4. RPM package manager.

Hindi madali ang maging ako

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