Just got the announcement about the replacement of dbus-daemon with
dbus-broker. The RFC link is rather terse on any problems users may
encounter when upgrading. Will all existing rules be accepted by
dbus-broker or should we expect custom rules to break? (like custom
access to embedded devices as character devices)
So far one person on the forum claimed dbus-broker has broken their
system,⁽¹⁾ but with logs indicating they don’t use dbus-broker, and two
people associated issues with updating to dbus-broker,⁽²⁾⁽³⁾ but with no
evidence of such connection. No single report in #archlinux since the
begining of 2023 (twenty twenty three). No issues observed here either,
12 hours after the update.
This should give you some indication of the current situation. Of
course we may still see some issues in the upcoming days, as it’s always
expected for deploying such a crucial component, but certainly there is
no reason to consider breakage an expected outcome of the update. Modulo
the aforementioned AppArmor support.
You may wish to have the most recent Live ISO at hand, just in case.
As well as restarting the dbus service, after the update is complete, to
learn about the issues possibly early and not 7 updates later.
Restarting the dbus service is best done from system console: in case it
would bring down the entire graphical session.
⁽¹⁾ https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=291717
⁽²⁾ https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=291757
⁽³⁾ https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=291729