On 12/1/23 02:24, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi David,
The original version of this email was rejected by the list.
I've contacted postmaster as the bounce suggested.
So I'll keep it brief and include you as a recipient.
You've used ‘enable = true’ but it should be ‘enabled’.
Holy 54it!!
Talk about a forest for the trees issue! Thank you Ralph. That was as bad
as FatFS_SPI buried in the middle of a CMakeLists.txt file that should have
been FatFs_SPI... I can stare all day and not see the difference and only by
picking through the obscure output and .make files do you find it.
With the `enable` instead of `enabled` fail2ban didn't spit out any errors
or complain, so there wasn't anything visible pointing me to my screw-up...
# fail2ban-client status
|- Number of jail: 3
`- Jail list: dovecot, postfix, sshd
Thank you, thank you! If I could send a cold-beer via e-mail, it's yours!
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.