Although it's impossible, I can't catch the problem again now 🙁
But that problem hasn't only appeared for twice but many times. I'm now
trying to make it reappear.
While reporting, please make sure you’re reporting the right value.
“Memory usage” is pretty vague and it becomes even more complicated with
multi-process programs like Firefox.
A good idea may be using extra/htop⁽¹⁾ or something similar. Whatever
you use, tell what the tool was used and how *exactly* were named fields
you used. Also provide the output of `free -h`. Reproducing the issue
without any add-ons enabled would be the best, if possible.
If it’s htop and you did not use it in the past, then with the
default view you get after running it:
1) Press F5 to switch to the tree view mode.
2) Find the firefox process.
3) Sum the cyan⁽²⁾ values from RES column for each firefox entry
appearing in white (not green).
An example available at, with the values to sum marked with red:
(156 + 41 + 81 = 278 MB)
Even better would be, if the PSS column is summed instead of RES. For
this go to setup (F2), with arrows move to “Screens”, with arrows move
to “Available Columns”, select M_PSS, add (F5) and confirm (F10). You
may also disable seeing userland threads in “Display options” to avoid
visually filtering them out.
⁽²⁾ Or green-cyan, if these appear.