Reading about the changes on and asp will stop working with
svn2git going away. pkgctl-repo-clone is the replamement.
It has only 3 options:
-m, --maintainer NAME
-h, --help
Does pkgctl-repo-clone simply fetch the latest commit, or does it fetch the
history as well? 'asp export' provided only the latest commit without the
prior versions history, etc. Can pkgctl-repo-clone do that? (4/23/2023) is silent
on that aspect.
for pkgctl-repo is also silent on whether clone is the latest commit or
full-clone with full git history, e.g.
clone Clone a package repository
is just the 3 options we started with.
I would think it would work like 'asp export' but I'd like to confirm with
those that know better than I.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.